Viscose Carpets, Our 100% long-fiber viscose has a delicate beauty, high sheen, and rich color and pattern. Viscose Carpet should be placed in low-traffic areas where there is less potential for staining, excess moisture or excess wear. Viscose Carpet is characterized by tonal variations that may be affected by the light in a room as well as the angle from which the rug is viewed. Shifting highlights and lowlights in the surface color of the rug are to be expected and are inherent to the design.
- Rotate the rug every 3 months to avoid uneven fading and wear.
- Vacuum as needed in one direction (not back and forth) using suction only, no bristles.
- No spot cleaning; never use liquids on viscose rugs. Avoid rubbing stains, which causes them to settle more deeply.
- If cleaning is needed, send the rug to a professional service with experience cleaning fine rugs.
- To preserve the life of the rug, we recommend using a rug pad.